- Section 381.004 - Creation; composition; general duties of institutions
- Section 381.0045 - Establishment of categories of and fees for membership in institutions; fees for admission and train rides; policies and charges for use of property
- Section 381.005 - Administrator: Appointment; qualifications; classification; employment of staff
- Section 381.006 - Administrator: Powers and duties
- Section 381.0061 - Administrator: Adoption of regulations governing use and safe operation of state-owned trains and fixtures
- Section 381.0062 - Museum directors: Appointment and establishment of powers and duties by Administrator; classification; duty to exercise and carry out assigned powers and duties
- Section 381.0063 - Museum directors: Powers and duties; service as ex officio State Paleontologist
- Section 381.0066 - Museum directors: Notice to and consultation with certain Indian tribes
- Section 381.0067 - Museum directors: Criteria for determining cultural affiliation of Indian tribe with artifact or site
- Section 381.0068 - Exception to requirements to obtain permit and to provide notice to, consult with or return items to Indian tribes
- Section 381.0069 - Museum Director of Nevada State Museum: Adoption of regulations for preservation of prehistoric and historic artifacts and sites
- Section 381.0075 - Acceptance of gifts
- Section 381.008 - Sale of duplicates, surplus and inappropriate items; use of proceeds
- Section 381.0085 - Account for Improving Access to State Museums for Persons with Disabilities: Creation; administration; use; deposit of gifts, donations, bequests and grants; interest and income; nonreversion
- Section 381.009 - Acquisition or repatriation of abandoned property held by institution