- Section 226.700 - Definitions
- Section 226.703 - "Bank" defined
- Section 226.706 - "Board of Directors" defined
- Section 226.709 - "Digital infrastructure" defined
- Section 226.712 - "Eligible costs" defined
- Section 226.715 - "Eligible project" defined
- Section 226.718 - "Executive Director" defined
- Section 226.721 - "Federal accounts" defined
- Section 226.724 - "Financing agreement" defined
- Section 226.727 - "Governmental unit" defined
- Section 226.730 - "K-12 school facility" defined
- Section 226.733 - "Loan" defined
- Section 226.736 - "Loan obligation" defined
- Section 226.739 - "Other financial assistance" defined
- Section 226.742 - "Other infrastructure related to economic development" defined
- Section 226.745 - "Project revenue" defined
- Section 226.748 - "Qualified borrower" defined
- Section 226.751 - "Qualified project" defined
- Section 226.754 - "Recycling and sustainability infrastructure" defined
- Section 226.757 - "Renewable energy infrastructure" defined
- Section 226.760 - "Social infrastructure" defined
- Section 226.763 - "State and local accounts" defined
- Section 226.766 - "Transportation facility" defined
- Section 226.769 - "Utility" defined
- Section 226.772 - "Utility infrastructure" defined
- Section 226.775 - "Water and wastewater infrastructure" defined
- Section 226.778 - Nevada State Infrastructure Bank: Creation; purpose; Board of Directors; meetings; quorum; compensation of members
- Section 226.781 - Board of Directors: Powers; duties; limitations on conduct of Bank
- Section 226.784 - Executive Director: Appointed by Governor; duties; powers; compensation
- Section 226.787 - Nevada State Infrastructure Bank Fund: Creation; administration by Board of Directors; establishment of accounts; acceptable deposits; compliance with federal laws; requirements for investment of earnings; authorized uses for money in Fund
- Section 226.790 - Loans: Application required; Executive Director to review applications; required terms of loans; Bank to determine form and content of applications, financing agreements and loan obligations; federal requirements; interest free loan to school districts under certain circumstances
- Section 226.793 - Qualified borrower: Required entry into financing agreement to obtain loan or other financial assistance; authorized uses of loan proceeds
- Section 226.796 - Confidential information; exceptions
- Section 226.799 - Bank may provide insurance or reinsurance of loans; duties; requirements
- Section 226.802 - Permissible forms of security for issuance of revenue bonds by Bank
- Section 226.805 - Obligation to third person by Bank: Limitations; requirements
- Section 226.808 - Failure of qualified borrower to remit full amount due: Notice; withholding of money allotted or appropriated to borrower; exceptions
- Section 226.811 - Immunity from civil liability for certain persons
- Section 226.814 - Bank not required to provide notice or hearing before performing certain acts
- Section 226.817 - Bank exempt from taxation
- Section 226.820 - Bonds and other securities issued by Bank exempt from taxation
- Section 226.823 - Qualified borrower retains right to issue bonds
- Section 226.826 - Relation to other law
- Section 226.829 - Required reports
- Section 226.832 - Governmental units authorized to provide technical advice, support and assistance to Bank