- Section 127.010 - Jurisdiction of district courts
- Section 127.013 - [Repealed]
- Section 127.017 - [Repealed]
- Section 127.018 - Court order required if home state of child is Nevada; exception
- Section 127.020 - Adoption of minor children; ages and consent
- Section 127.030 - Who may petition; consent of spouse required under certain circumstances; waiver of hearing on petition; court authorized to determine legal relationship of child with multiple persons
- Section 127.040 - Written consent to adoption or for relinquishment to authorized agency: Acknowledgment; when consent required
- Section 127.041 - Written consent to adoption required from Indian child's parents: Prerequisites; certification by court; withdrawal of consent
- Section 127.043 - Consent to adoption required before placement in adoptive home; exception
- Section 127.045 - Release for or consent to adoption and investigation required before appointment of guardian for child to be adopted; exception
- Section 127.050 - Agencies which may accept relinquishments and consent to adoption; reimbursement for certain costs
- Section 127.051 - Agency responsible for care of child and entitled to custody; termination of placement
- Section 127.052 - Agency to determine whether child is Indian child; notification of child's tribe
- Section 127.053 - Consent to adoption: Requisites
- Section 127.055 - Consent to adoption: Attesting witnesses may make self-proving affidavits to be attached to consent
- Section 127.057 - Consent to adoption: Copy to be furnished to agency which provides child welfare services within 48 hours; recommendations; confidentiality of information; unlawful acts
- Section 127.058 - Consent to adoption: Person to whom consent is given has legal custody of child until hearing on petition for adoption
- Section 127.060 - Adoption of two or more children
- Section 127.070 - Validity of releases for and consents to adoption
- Section 127.080 - Consent to specific adoption or relinquishment for adoption cannot be revoked or nullified; exceptions
- Section 127.090 - When consent unnecessary
- Section 127.100 - Entitlement of petitions, reports and orders
- Section 127.110 - When petition may be filed; contents of petition; limitation on entry of adoption order
- Section 127.115 - Additional contents of petition relating to whether there is reason to know child is Indian child
- Section 127.120 - Petition to be filed in duplicate; investigation, report and recommendation; court may order independent investigation; costs
- Section 127.123 - Notice of filing of petition to be provided to custodians or guardians of child
- Section 127.127 - Affidavit setting forth fees, donations and expenses required to be filed; waiver
- Section 127.130 - Confidentiality of reports; petitioner may rebut adverse report
- Section 127.140 - Confidentiality of hearings, files and records
- Section 127.145 - Attendance of prospective adoptive parents at hearing by telephone
- Section 127.150 - Order of adoption or return of child; presumption of child's best interest after adoption is granted
- Section 127.151 - Order of adoption: Required findings; required information when child is Indian child
- Section 127.152 - Adopting parents to be provided with report which includes medical records and other information concerning child; regulations
- Section 127.155 - Validation of certain orders and decrees
- Section 127.157 - Report of adoption, amendment or annulment of adoption to State Registrar
- Section 127.160 - Rights and duties of adopted child and adoptive parents
- Section 127.165 - When action to set aside adoption may be brought; presumption of child's best interest after adoption is granted
- Section 127.171 - Right to visitation of child by sibling and other relatives; limitations
- Section 127.180 - Appeals from orders, judgments or decrees
- Section 127.186 - Adoption of child with special needs; financial assistance to adoptive parents under certain circumstances; waiver of court costs of adoptive parents; regulations
- Section 127.1861 - Petition to vacate order or decree of adoption of Indian child
- Section 127.1863 - Provision of notice upon order or decree of adoption of Indian child being vacated; waiver of notice; revocation of waiver; intervention by and return of child to former parent or prior Indian custodian; transition plan
- Section 127.1865 - Adoption records of Indian child to be provided to Indian child's tribe or United States Secretary of the Interior upon request
- Section 127.1867 - ICWA compliance reports; adoption of regulations by Division; assistance and trainings by Court Administrator
- Section 127.1869 - Tribal customary adoptions; adoption of regulations by Division