- Section 116.3116 - Liens against units for assessments
- Section 116.31162 - Foreclosure of liens: Mailing or delivery of notice of delinquent assessment; recording of notice of default and election to sell; period during which unit's owner may pay lien to avoid foreclosure; limitations on type of lien that may be foreclosed
- Section 116.311625 - Foreclosure of liens: Limitations, requirements and procedures applicable to servicemembers and their dependents; penalty; liability; tolling
- Section 116.311627 - Foreclosure of liens: Limitations, requirements and procedures applicable to federal workers, tribal workers and state workers and household members and landlords of such workers in connection with shutdown; penalty; liability
- Section 116.31163 - Foreclosure of liens: Mailing of notice of default and election to sell to certain interested persons
- Section 116.311635 - Foreclosure of liens: Providing notice of time and place of sale; service of notice of sale; contents of notice of sale; proof of service
- Section 116.31164 - Foreclosure of liens: Procedure for conducting sale; satisfaction of lien before sale; persons prohibited from purchasing unit; execution and delivery of deed; use of proceeds of sale
- Section 116.31166 - Foreclosure of liens: Title vested in purchaser subject to right of redemption; sale does not extinguish first security interest if superior amount of lien is satisfied; certificate of sale; exercise of right of redemption; deed without warranty; effect of recitals in deed; bona fide purchasers and bona fide encumbrancers for value
- Section 116.31168 - Foreclosure of liens: Requests by interested persons for notice of default and election to sell or notice of sale
- Section 116.3117 - Liens against association