The board, upon the recommendation of the chief, shall adopt rules consistent with the requirements of the rules of the U.S. department of agriculture governing meat inspection. The rules must:
(1) require antemortem and postmortem inspections, quarantines, segregation, and reinspections with respect to the slaughter of livestock and poultry and the preparation of livestock and poultry products at all official establishments;(2) require the identification of livestock and poultry and the marking and labeling of livestock or poultry products as "Montana Inspected and Passed" if they are found upon inspection not to be adulterated;(3) require the destruction for food purposes of all livestock, poultry, livestock products, and poultry products that have been found to be adulterated;(4) set standards for ingredients of livestock products, meat, and poultry products;(5) set standards for labeling, marking, or branding of meat, livestock products, and poultry products;(6) set standards for the weights or measures of meats, livestock products, and poultry products not inconsistent with standards established under Title 30, chapter 12;(7) set standards for the filling of containers for meat, livestock products, and poultry products;(8) regulate the false or fraudulent advertising of meat, livestock products, and poultry products;(9) provide for periodic investigations of the sanitary conditions of each official establishment and withdraw or otherwise refuse to license and inspect those establishments where the sanitary conditions are such as to render adulterated any meat products prepared or handled in that establishment;(10) prescribe sanitation requirements for all official establishments;(11) require all persons subject to 81-9-216 through 81-9-220 and 81-9-226 through 81-9-236 to maintain full and complete records of all transactions involving meat, livestock products, or poultry products and to make the records available on request to the chief or the chief's inspectors at any reasonable time;(12) prescribe additional standards, methods, and procedures that are necessary to effect the purposes of 81-9-216 through 81-9-220 and 81-9-226 through 81-9-236; and(13) provide for the licensing and inspection of mobile slaughter facilities to ensure that the requirements of this part are met with respect to all operations conducted at mobile slaughter facilities.En. Sec. 4, Ch. 577, L. 1987; amd. Sec. 3, Ch. 494, L. 2005; amd. Sec.2691, Ch. 56, L. 2691.