Section 370.353 - Submission of plan to meeting of members or shareholders - notice1. The board of directors of the merging credit union or credit unions, upon approving the plan of merger or consolidation, shall direct, by a resolution, that the plan be submitted at a meeting of the members or shareholders, which may be either an annual or special meeting. Notice of the meeting shall be mailed or delivered to each member not more than thirty days and not less than fourteen days prior to the meeting. All members shall be given the opportunity to vote on the plan of merger or consolidation at a meeting or by written or electronic ballot received no later than the date and time announced for the meeting. All members should be provided the opportunity to vote, without being required to attend the meeting where the proposition is voted on. The notice, whether the meeting is an annual or special meeting, shall state the place, day, hour, and purpose of the meeting, and a copy or summary of the plan of merger or plan of consolidation shall be included in or enclosed with the notice. The board of directors of the surviving credit union named in any such plan of merger need not submit the merger plan to its members but shall, instead, ratify such merger plan according to the procedure stated in section 370.351.2. In the case of a consolidation, the board of directors of each credit union party to such plan of consolidation must submit the plan of consolidation to its members according to the procedure described in subsection 1 of this section.3. The director may waive any membership meeting required under subsections 1 and 2 of this section upon the request of the board of directors of any of the merging or consolidating credit unions if the credit union seeking the waiver is in financial difficulty, if its field of membership is being lost or substantially reduced, or if it has only limited potential of growth.L. 1955 p. 254, A.L. 1982 H.B. 1099, A.L. 2011S.B. 306.