Section 370.310 - Limitations on loans - loans to directors and committee members, report required1. A credit union may lend to its members, as herein provided, for such purposes and upon such security as the bylaws provide and the credit committee or credit manager shall approve, provided that no secured or unsecured loan shall be made in excess of two thousand dollars, except that if ten percent of the assets of the credit union exceeds two thousand dollars then the maximum amount of a loan by the credit union shall be ten percent of its assets, and unsecured loans to any one member shall not exceed the limitations found in current written policies of the board of directors.2. All loans to directors, credit and supervisory committee members of the credit union shall comply with all the requirements in this chapter and the credit union bylaws with respect to loans to other members and may not be on terms more favorable than those of loans extended to other member-borrowers and such loans shall also be reported at the next regularly scheduled meeting of the board of directors; and further, all such loans shall be reported to the director of the division of credit unions annually.Amended by 2020 Mo. Laws, SB 599,s A, eff. 8/28/2020.Prior revision: 1929 § 5094