Section 370.220 - Duties of credit committee - credit manager authorized, delegation of loan authority - appeal from decision - extension of credit, when1. The credit committee or, if authorized, credit manager shall follow the bylaws, policies, and procedures established by the board of directors regarding loans and advances.2. The applicant shall state the purpose for which the loan is desired and the security, if any, offered.3. Security must be taken for any loan in excess of the limit set by written policy of the board of directors. Endorsement of a note or assignment of shares in any credit union shall be deemed security within the meaning of this section.4. No loan shall be made unless it has received the majority approval of the members of the committee present when the loan was considered, which number shall constitute at least a majority of the committee. However, in the case of any credit union having total assets in excess of one hundred thousand dollars, the board of directors may appoint a credit manager. The credit manager may be delegated authority to act on all or some applications for loans, reporting monthly thereon to the credit committee or board of directors, as the case may be.5. An applicant for a loan may appeal to the directors from the decision of the credit committee or credit manager, if it is so provided in the bylaws, and in the way and manner therein provided.6. The credit committee or, when authorized, a credit manager may approve in advance, upon its or his or her own motion or upon application by a member, an extension of credit, and loans may be granted to such members within the limits of such extensions of credit. When an extension of credit has been approved, applications for loans need no further consideration as long as the aggregate obligation does not exceed the limits of such extension of credit. The credit committee or, when authorized, the credit manager shall, at least once a year, review, or cause to be reviewed, all extensions of credit and any extension of credit shall expire if the member becomes more than ninety days delinquent in his or her obligation to the credit union.Amended by 2020 Mo. Laws, SB 599,s A, eff. 8/28/2020.Prior revision: 1929 § 5088