Browse as ListSearch Within- Section 354.010 - Definitions
- Section 354.015 - Health services corporations, laws applicable to - exceptions
- Section 354.020 - Preexisting health services corporation to amend articles, effect of
- Section 354.025 - Corporate purposes and authority
- Section 354.027 - Discrimination in coverage or reimbursement for covered service by licensed persons, prohibited
- Section 354.030 - For-profit corporations excluded from act
- Section 354.035 - Procedure for organization of corporation
- Section 354.040 - Articles of incorporation, required information and contents
- Section 354.045 - Issuance of certificate, effect of
- Section 354.050 - General powers of corporation
- Section 354.055 - Certificate of authority required - expiration of, extended how
- Section 354.060 - Director to issue certificate, when
- Section 354.065 - Articles of incorporation, how amended - copy to director, when
- Section 354.070 - Certificate of authority automatically extended, when
- Section 354.075 - Capital required to do business
- Section 354.080 - Reserves required, how computed
- Section 354.085 - Membership contract forms, approval by director, when - time for filing - time for disapproval
- Section 354.090 - Health services corporation contracts, purposes, parties to
- Section 354.095 - Limitation of membership and benefits - certain benefits to be provided, when
- Section 354.105 - Annual report required, contents of
- Section 354.115 - Member's grievance, how and where filed - director may investigate, court action not barred
- Section 354.120 - Rules and regulations by director authorized - procedure, review
- Section 354.125 - Corporation not liable for injuries resulting from medical services rendered members
- Section 354.130 - Exemption from certain taxes, exceptions
- Section 354.140 - Dissolution, liquidation or rehabilitation of corporation, procedure for
- Section 354.145 - Appeal from director's actions or decisions, how taken
- Section 354.150 - Fees - waiver, when
- Section 354.152 - Premiums, dues or fees subject to restrictions - violation, hearing - order prohibiting
- Section 354.155 - Disclaimer as to nonhealth services corporations
- Section 354.165 - Certain organizations exempt
- Section 354.175 - Wage continuation plans by employer exempt
- Section 354.180 - Administrative order, director to issue, when
- Section 354.190 - Examinations, procedures
- Section 354.195 - Records of examination, duty to keep
- Section 354.200 - Examinations, false testimony, penalty
- Section 354.205 - Examinations - costs, how paid
- Section 354.207 - Second medical opinion to be allowed by health services corporations, procedure, costs
- Section 354.210 - Director may seek relief, when
- Section 354.215 - Examiner's sick leave to apply to health services corporations
- Section 354.220 - Director may bring suit to recover fees or sums
- Section 354.225 - Enrollment representative, defined - annual report to furnish information - solicitors of members to be insurance agent or broker, exception
- Section 354.230 - License required for enrollment representative
- Section 354.235 - Enrollment representative - license issued when, qualifications
- Section 354.240 - Nonresident may be licensed - examination waived, when
- Section 354.265 - Nonrenewable temporary license issued, when
- Section 354.275 - Violations by enrollment representatives, penalties
- Section 354.280 - Officers of corporation found to be of known bad character or incompetent - authority to transact business, effect
- Section 354.285 - Management agreements to control corporation, notice to department, when - examination requirements - violations
- Section 354.290 - Examiner's duties - examination contents - hearing on reports allowed - publication of report, when
- Section 354.295 - Certificate of authority not to be issued if controlling management involved in improper actions
- Section 354.300 - Certificate of authority suspended or revoked, when
- Section 354.305 - Corporation advertising assets also to show liabilities - penalties
- Section 354.315 - Data processing system authorized, cost, amount allowed - amortization not to exceed ten years
- Section 354.320 - Corporate funds and securities use for private gain by officers and employees prohibited, penalty
- Section 354.325 - Investigation by director of investments - records to be kept by division - criminal action, when
- Section 354.330 - Public official failing to perform duties as to investment violations, penalty
- Section 354.335 - Damages allowed if corporation without reasonable cause refuses to pay
- Section 354.340 - Unsatisfied judgments against corporation - suspension or revocation of certificate of authority until judgment satisfied
- Section 354.345 - Court decree of specific performance - membership contract, failure of corporation to comply, procedure, effect
- Section 354.350 - Fraudulent or bad faith conduct - investigation by division - hearing, procedure
- Section 354.355 - Injunctions, permanent or temporary, grounds, procedure - dissolution of corporation or rehabilitation, procedure
- Section 354.357 - Receivership, grounds, procedure
- Section 354.362 - Newborn child coverage required - notice of birth, when, effect
- Section 354.380 - Certain provisions of insurance law to be applicable