- Section 644.500 - Commissioners authorized to borrow $20,000,000 for control of water pollution
- Section 644.502 - Commissioners authorized to borrow additional $20,000,000 for control of water pollution - sewage treatment facilities defined
- Section 644.503 - Commissioners authorized to borrow additional $35,000,000 for control of water pollution - sewage treatment facilities defined
- Section 644.504 - Commissioners authorized to borrow additional $35,000,000 for control of water pollution
- Section 644.505 - Bonds, when issued - denominations - interest, how set - form of bonds - treasurer's duties - auditor's duties
- Section 644.507 - Exception to limitations on bond interest rates
- Section 644.508 - Borrowing additional sums, commissioners authority, state credit
- Section 644.509 - Debt authorization
- Section 644.510 - Bonds, how registered
- Section 644.511 - Additional bonds, how registered
- Section 644.515 - Bonds, how sold, deposits - proceeds - expenses of sale, how paid
- Section 644.516 - Additional bonds, how sold, deposits - proceeds - expenses of sale, how paid
- Section 644.520 - Proceeds of sale, how handled
- Section 644.521 - Proceeds of sale of additional bonds, how handled
- Section 644.526 - Investment of water pollution control funds - interest to accrue to fund
- Section 644.530 - Water pollution control bond and interest fund created, how used
- Section 644.531 - Water pollution control bond and interest fund, how used
- Section 644.535 - Water pollution control bond and interest fund, how deposited
- Section 644.540 - Tangible property tax, when levied
- Section 644.541 - Tangible property tax, when levied
- Section 644.545 - Water pollution control bond and interest fund money to stand appropriated for payment of principal and interest on bonds
- Section 644.546 - Water pollution control bond and interest fund money to stand appropriated for payment of principal and interest on bonds
- Section 644.551 - Additional bonds, principal and interest, how and when paid - repurchase when
- Section 644.555 - Treasurer to report on bond transactions to general assembly
- Section 644.556 - Treasurer to report on additional bond transactions to general assembly
- Section 644.560 - Bonds to be issued as funds are required - issuance by resolution of board - written consent of governor required
- Section 644.561 - Additional bonds to be issued as funds are required - issuance by resolution of board - written consent of governor required
- Section 644.564 - Commissioner authorized to borrow additional $30,000,000 for water pollution control, storm water control, rural water and sewer grants, urban drinking water and emergency drought relief - money for emergency drought relief, how expended
- Section 644.566 - Commissioners authorized to borrow additional $2,500,000 for improvements
- Section 644.566 - Commissioners authorized to borrow additional $2,500,000 for improvements and an additional $15,000,000 for other purposes
- Section 644.568 - Commissioners may borrow additional $10,000,000 for rural water and sewer project grants and loans
- Section 644.570 - Commissioners may borrow additional $20,000,000 for grants and loans to storm water control plans, how allocated - grants and loans disbursed directly to certain districts - fund created for repayment of loans
- Section 644.571 - Contingent effective date
- Section 644.572 - Commissioners authorized to borrow additional $10,000,000 for improvements
- Section 644.573 - Commissioners may borrow additional $10,000,000 for improvements
- Section 644.574 - Commissioners may borrow additional $20,000,000 for rural water and sewer grants and loans
- Section 644.575 - Commissioners may borrow additional $10,000,000 for rural water and sewer grants and loans
- Section 644.576 - Commissioners may borrow additional $40,000,000 for grants and loans to storm water control plans
- Section 644.577 - Commissioners may borrow additional $20,000,000 for grants and loans to storm water control plans
- Section 644.578 - Board may borrow additional $10,000,000 for purposes of water pollution control, improvement of drinking water, and storm water control
- Section 644.579 - Board may borrow additional $10,000,000 for purposes of rural water and sewer grants and loans
- Section 644.580 - Board may borrow additional $20,000,000 for purposes of storm water control
- Section 644.581 - Board may borrow additional $10,000,000 for purposes of water pollution control, improvement of drinking water, and storm water control
- Section 644.582 - Board may borrow additional $10,000,000 for purposes of rural water and sewer grants and loans
- Section 644.583 - Board may borrow additional $20,000,000 for purposes of storm water control
- Section 644.584 - Board may borrow additional $10,000,000 for purposes of water pollution control, improvement of drinking water, and storm water control
- Section 644.585 - Board may borrow additional $10,000,000 for purposes of rural water and sewer grants and loans
- Section 644.586 - Board may borrow additional $20,000,000 for purposes of storm water control
- Section 644.587 - Board may borrow additional $10,000,000 for purposes of water pollution, improvement of drinking water, and storm water control
- Section 644.588 - Board may borrow additional $10,000,000 for purposes of rural water and sewer grants and loans
- Section 644.589 - Board may borrow additional $20,000,000 for purposes of storm water control
- Section 644.597 - Board may borrow additional $10,000,000 for purposes of water pollution, improvement of drinking water, and storm water control
- Section 644.598 - Board may borrow additional $10,000,000 for purposes of rural water and sewer grants and loans
- Section 644.599 - Board may borrow additional $20,000,000 for purposes of storm water control