Section 211.411 - Law enforcement officials to assist and cooperate with juvenile officers1. It is the duty of circuit, prosecuting and city attorneys, and county counselors representing the state or a city in any court, to give the juvenile officer such aid and cooperation as may not be inconsistent with the duties of their offices.2. It is the duty of police officers, sheriffs and other authorized persons taking a child into custody to give information of that fact immediately to the juvenile court or to the juvenile officer or one of his deputies and to furnish the juvenile court or the juvenile officer all the facts in their possession pertaining to the child, its parents, guardian or other persons interested in the child, together with the reasons for taking the child into custody.3. It is the duty of all other public officials and departments to render all assistance and cooperation within their jurisdictional power which may further the objects of this chapter. The court is authorized to seek the cooperation of all societies and organizations having for their object the protection or aid of children and of any person or organization interested in the welfare of children.L. 1957 p. 642 § 211.390, A.L. 1978 H.B. 1634
Effective 1/2/1979