Section 181.021 - Secretary of state to manage state library and Wolfner library - functions - report - receipt of propertyThe Missouri state library shall be under the control of the secretary of state and operated under rules and regulations promulgated by the secretary of state. The secretary of state shall:
(1) Direct the survey of services given by libraries which may be established or assisted under any law for state grants-in-aid to libraries;(2) Further the coordination of library services furnished by the state with those of local libraries and other educational agencies;(3) Publish an annual report showing conditions and progress of public library service in Missouri;(4) Furnish information and counsel as to the best means of establishing and maintaining libraries, the selection of materials, cataloging, and other details of library management; provide assistance in organizing libraries or improving service given by them and assist library services in state institutions;(5) Receive and administer grants from the United States under any act of Congress for public libraries, or other types of library service, and make rules and regulations in connection with such grants as may be necessary or required in the administration thereof;(6) Receive gifts of money, books or other property which may be used or held in trust for the purposes given;(7) Administer state grants-in-aid and encourage local support for the betterment of local library service and generally promote an effective statewide public library system;(8) Procure and disseminate information by any means necessary within the state among individuals, communities, libraries, schools, charitable and state institutions, state departments and other organizations;(9) Administer the Wolfner Library for the blind and physically handicapped and ensure library services to the eligible blind and physically handicapped residents of this state;(10) Appoint members to the secretary of state's council on library development, as set forth in section 181.022.L. 1955 p. 562 § 4, A.L. 1991 S.B. 197, A.L. 1995 S.B. 14, A.L. 2004H.B. 1347