Browse as ListSearch Within- Section 167.260 - Program for developmentally delayed, ages three and four - program for children from at-risk families
- Section 167.263 - Teacher assistants, grades kindergarten through three - program established - eligibility - application for assistance - rules, promulgation, procedure
- Section 167.265 - School counselors, grades kindergarten through nine - eligibility - application
- Section 167.266 - Academic and career counseling program - rulemaking authority
- Section 167.268 - Policy for reading success plans - state board to develop guidelines
- Section 167.270 - Specialized courses of instruction - pupils at risk of dropping out - pregnant teens and teen mothers
- Section 167.273 - Program of parent education - pregnant teens, teen parents - at-risk families, characteristics - potential dropouts, characteristics
- Section 167.275 - Dropouts to be reported to state literacy hot line - availability of information on website
- Section 167.278 - Chief school officers to provide information on postsecondary financial assistance
- Section 167.280 - Support services for students at high risk - application, elements - priority applications, elements - use of funds - allowable costs