- Section 164.121 - Purposes for which bonds may be issued in districts other than metropolitan and urban
- Section 164.131 - Purposes for which bonds may be issued in urban districts - notice to contain certain information
- Section 164.141 - Purposes for which bonds may be issued in metropolitan districts - notice to contain certain information
- Section 164.151 - Form of ballot in all districts - percentage required for approval
- Section 164.161 - Restrictions on loans
- Section 164.181 - Duties of treasurer of seven-director districts - liability
- Section 164.191 - Issuance by any district of funding and refunding bonds - record
- Section 164.201 - Exchange and sale of refunding bonds - restrictions
- Section 164.221 - Redeemed bonds of school districts to be destroyed - record - witnesses
- Section 164.231 - Issuance of revenue bonds to pay for dormitory, athletic stadiums by seven-director districts - security for bonds
- Section 164.241 - Approval by two-thirds of directors required for issuance of bonds
- Section 164.251 - Bonds not to constitute an indebtedness
- Section 164.261 - Bonds, denomination, interest rate, contents - negotiable - income exempt from state tax - how sold
- Section 164.271 - Board may prescribe form and detail of bonds - may be compelled to perform duties and agreements of district
- Section 164.281 - Operating expense may include cost of athletic equipment and uniforms
- Section 164.291 - Records of bonds, payment and revenues to be kept - disposition of surplus revenues
- Section 164.301 - Refunding of bonds
- Section 164.303 - School district bond fund established, purpose to fund health and educational facilities authority, costs and grants - lapse into general revenue fund, prohibited