Section 67.1888 - Insurance obtained by the district, types, conditions1. The district may obtain such insurance as it deems appropriate, considering its legal limits of liability, to protect itself, its officers and its employees from any potential liability and may also obtain such other types of insurance as it deems necessary to protect against loss of its real or personal property of any kind. The cost of this insurance shall be charged against the project.2. The district may also require contractors performing construction or maintenance work on the project and companies providing operational and management services to obtain liability insurance having the district, its directors and employees as additional named insureds.3. The district shall not attempt to self-insure for its potential liabilities unless it finds that it has sufficient funds available to cover any anticipated judgments or settlements and still complete its project without interruption. The district may self-insure if it is unable to obtain liability insurance coverage at a rate which is economically feasible to the district, considering its resources.L. 2001 H.B. 80 merged with S.B. 224
Effective 5/16/2001 (S.B. 224)
7/2/2001 (H.B. 80)