Chapter 3 - ARRESTS
- Section 99-3-1 - Who may make arrests
- Section 99-3-2 - Authorization for federal law enforcement officers to make arrests
- Section 99-3-3 - Time or place
- Section 99-3-5 - All persons must aid arresting officer when commanded
- Section 99-3-7 - When arrests may be made without warrant
- Section 99-3-9 - Arrest of defendants in presence of court without process
- Section 99-3-11 - Arresting officer or person may break into house
- Section 99-3-13 - Officer may pursue and apprehend offender any place in state; jailing prisoner for safekeeping
- Section 99-3-15 - Escaped offender may be pursued and retaken without warrant
- Section 99-3-17 - Offender must be taken before proper officer without delay
- Section 99-3-18 - Post-arrest release on written notice to appear at later date
- Section 99-3-19 - Warrant good across county line
- Section 99-3-21 - Justice of the peace may issue warrant for offender coming into his jurisdiction
- Section 99-3-23 - No liability for legal arrest
- Section 99-3-25 - Duty of officers to arrest gamblers, bucket-shop operators and futures dealers
- Section 99-3-27 - Tramps; arrest by any person; proceedings
- Section 99-3-28 - Teachers or sworn law enforcement officers charged with committing crime while in the performance of duties; certain procedural requirements to be met prior to issuance of arrest warrant
- Section 99-3-29 - Perjury; court may commit wilful perjurer to prison immediately
- Section 99-3-31 - Perjury; witnesses to be bound over for grand jury and trial
- Section 99-3-33 - Perjury; court may detain documents
- Section 99-3-35 - Reward for arrest and delivery of fleeing killer
- Section 99-3-37 - Reward for arrest and delivery of fleeing killer; sheriff and other officers may receive
- Section 99-3-39 - Rewards for information may be offered by counties and municipalities
- Section 99-3-41 - HIV and AIDS testing of persons arrested for the commission of sex crimes against minors
- Section 99-3-43 - Criminal history background check to be conducted by officers stopping persons to effectuate arrest
- Section 99-3-45 - Requisite notice to be given to persons under the age of twenty-one released following arrest under certain circumstances
- Section 99-3-47 - Use of electronic felony warrant applications and electronic signatures authorized; certain procedures required; exception