Section 99-27-15 - Affidavit for search warrant; contents of warrant; service and returnUpon the affidavit of any credible person that he has reason to believe and does believe:
(1) That intoxicating liquor is being stored, kept, owned, controlled, or possessed, in violation of the laws of the state, at any designated place or within any designated receptacle, which place is to be stated in the affidavit; or(2) that intoxicating liquor is being sold or offered for sale contrary to law at any designated place; or(3) that liquor is being manufactured or distilled, or attempted to be manufactured or distilled at any designated place, in violation of the laws of the state; or(4) that intoxicating liquor is being transported, attempted to be transported within the state at or over or through any designated place, contrary to the laws of the state, it shall be the duty of any justice of the peace of the county or county judge, or the judge of the circuit court of the district or the chancellor of the district in which the place is situated, to issue a search warrant, directed to the sheriff or any constable of the county, or if in a municipality, to the sheriff or any constable or marshal or policeman therein, commanding him to proceed in the day or night time, to enter by breaking if necessary, and to diligently search any building, room in a building, outhouses, place, wagon, cart, buggy, automobile, motorcycle, motor truck, water or air craft or other vehicle, as may be designated in the affidavit, and to seize said intoxicating liquor, and any wagon, buggy, cart, automobile, motorcycle, motor truck, water or air craft or other vehicle used or attempted to be used in the transporting of the same, or any still or distillery or integral part of the same including appliances, vessels and equipment pertaining thereto used in making or manufacturing or attempting to make or manufacture said intoxicating liquor, and to hold the same until disposed of by law, and to arrest the person, or persons in possession and control of the same.The writ shall be returnable instanter or on a day stated and a copy shall be served on the owner or person in possession if such person be present or readily found.
Codes, 1930, § 1975; 1942, § 2614; Laws, 1924, ch. 244.