Miss. Code § 99-19-77
In addition to any criminal penalties or fines, the court may impose an assessment against a defendant convicted of a felony violation, or a Class I violation that is punishable as provided in Section 49-7-141, investigated by the Office of the Attorney General, the district attorneys, sheriffs, the Mississippi Bureau of Investigation, the Mississippi Department of Human Services, Office of Inspector General, Fraud Investigative Unit, Mississippi Bureau of Narcotics, the Mississippi Agricultural and Livestock Theft Bureau, the Mississippi Department of Wildlife, Fisheries and Parks and municipal police departments which may cover all reasonable costs of the investigation. Costs are to be paid to the appropriate governmental entity incurring the particular item of cost and include, but are not limited to, the cost of investigators, service of process, court reporters, expert witnesses and attorney's fees, and transportation costs expended by the governmental entity in the investigation of such case, and must be used to augment the governmental entity's existing budget and not to supplant it.
Miss. Code § 99-19-77