Miss. Code § 99-19-65
The clerk of the circuit court shall, immediately after the adjournment of every term, issue execution according to the nature of the case, for all fines, penalties and forfeitures assessed by the court, or which shall have accrued to the state or to the county, and remaining due and unpaid. Said clerk shall, within thirty days after such adjournment, transmit a list of said executions to the clerk of the board of supervisors of the county, noting the names of the defendants, the amounts, and the sheriff or other officer to whom the same was delivered; and, at the same time he shall transmit to said clerk a statement of the returns made by the sheriff or other officer on execution for fines, penalties, and forfeitures returnable to the last term of the court. Any circuit court clerk who shall fail to issue such executions, or to transmit the lists thereof as required, shall forfeit and pay the sum of two hundred dollars for every such offense, to be recovered by the state or county, on motion against him and his sureties by the district attorney, before the circuit court. The clerk of the board of supervisors shall notify the district attorney of such default.
Miss. Code § 99-19-65