Miss. Code § 99-19-61
The commissioner of corrections is hereby authorized and empowered to pay out of any available funds of the department of corrections all lawful costs, fees, and expenses and/or the costs of the execution of any person, not a legal resident of Sunflower County, Mississippi, who is charged, tried and/or executed for the commission of a crime within the confines of the penitentiary, or any crime committed outside the bounds of the land of the penitentiary by any inmate lawfully charged thereto. Such costs shall include the reasonable expense of burial in the event the person is executed and the body is not claimed by relatives or friends, and any and all other expenses required to be borne by the state of Mississippi under the provisions of Sections 99-19-53 and 99-19-55. It is intended hereby to provide a means and method and source of payment of such expenses which said sections require to be borne by the state.
Miss. Code § 99-19-61