Miss. Code § 73-9-55
A written work authorization shall accompany all dental laboratory work sent by a licensed dentist to a commercial dental laboratory or private dental laboratory technician.
The original of said written authorization shall be kept on file by a commercial dental laboratory or a private dental laboratory technician for a period of time required by the State Board of Dental Examiners, not to exceed two (2) years from the date it was received, and one (1) carbon copy of this written work authorization shall be kept on file by the licensed dentist executing this written work authorization for a like period not to exceed two (2) years from the date it was issued.
This said written work authorization shall include the following information:
Any dental laboratory having received a work authorization from a licensed dentist for any appliance, process, fabrication, service, or material, who shall thereafter secure the services of another dental laboratory for the performance of any said work or services, shall furnish to such laboratory a written work order therefor, and both laboratories shall keep on file a record thereof for a like period not to exceed two (2) years from the date received.
In the enforcement of this section and the foregoing rules and regulations promulgated pursuant thereto, the members of the Board of Dental Examiners, their agents, investigators, and employees shall have the right to inspect the records of any dental office or any dental laboratory during regular office hours.
Miss. Code § 73-9-55