Miss. Code § 61-13-21
It is the intent of "the Mississippi Executive Reorganization Act of 1989 [Laws, 1989, Chapter 544]" to transfer the powers of the Adjutant General, Military Department of the State of Mississippi, with regard to the purchase or lease, operation and maintenance of nonmilitary aircraft for use by the departments, agencies, boards and commissions, the Legislature, its officers and employees to the Department of Finance and Administration. The executive director may assign to appropriate divisions such powers and duties as he deems appropriate to carry out the lawful functions of the department.
The transfer shall include, but is not limited to, all aircraft, support equipment, tools, vehicles, hangars and other items associated with the operation of state aircraft. The affected agencies shall transfer complete title of the transferred items.
The provisions of "the Mississippi Executive Reorganization Act of 1989 [Laws, 1989, Chapter 544]" do not apply to military aircraft activities or to aircraft owned and operated by the various educational institutions for educational purposes, except that the planes owned and operated by the various educational institutions may be subject to the provisions of Section 61-13-15(2), Mississippi Code of 1972, at the discretion of the Department of Finance and Administration.
Miss. Code § 61-13-21