Section 57-75-17 - Powers and duties of public agencies; provision in contracts or agreements between authority and public agency for payment of indebtedness; proceedings upon failure of public agency to pay indebtedness(1) For the purpose of aiding in the planning, design, undertaking and carrying out of the project or any facility related to the project, any public agency is authorized and empowered upon such terms, with or without consideration, as it may determine:(a) To enter into agreements, which may extend over any period, with the authority respecting action to be taken by such public agency with respect to the acquisition, planning, construction, improvement, operation, maintenance or funding of the project or any such facility, and which agreements may include: (i) The appropriation or payment of funds to the authority or to a trustee in amounts which shall be sufficient to enable the authority to defray any designated portion or percentage of the expenses of administering, planning, designing, constructing, acquiring, improving, operating, and maintaining the project or any facility related to the project,(ii) The appropriation or payment of funds to the authority or to a trustee to pay interest and principal (whether at maturity or upon sinking fund redemption) on bonds of the authority issued pursuant to this act and to fund reserves for debt service, for operation and maintenance and for renewals and replacements, and to fulfill requirements of any covenant with respect to debt service contained in any resolution, trust indenture or other security agreement relating to the bonds of the authority issued pursuant to this act,(iii) The furnishing of other assistance in connection with the project or facility related to the project, and(iv) The borrowing of money from the authority in connection with a project defined in Section 57-75-5(f)(ii);(b) To dedicate, sell, donate, convey or lease any property or interest in property to the authority or grant easements, licenses or other rights or privileges therein to the authority;(c) To incur the expense of any public improvements made or to be made by such public agency in exercising the powers granted in this section;(d) To lend, grant or contribute funds to the authority;(e) To cause public buildings and public facilities, including parks, playgrounds, recreational areas, community meeting facilities, water, sewer or drainage facilities, or any other works which it is otherwise empowered to undertake, to be furnished to or with respect to the project or any such facility;(f) To furnish, dedicate, close, vacate, pave, install, upgrade or improve highways, streets, roads, sidewalks, airports, railroads, or ports;(g) To plan or replan, zone or rezone any parcel of land within the public agency or make exceptions from land use, building and zoning regulations;(h) To cause administrative and other services to be furnished to the authority, including services pertaining to the acquisition of real property and the furnishing of relocation assistance; and(i) To loan to the owner, lessee or operator of any project defined in Section 57-75-5(f)(ii)the proceeds of any loan from the authority to the public entity under the provisions of this act.(2) Any contract between a public agency entered into with the authority pursuant to any of the powers granted by this act shall be binding upon said public agency according to its terms, and such public agency shall have the power to enter into such contracts as in the discretion of the governing authorities thereof would be to the best interest of the people of such public agency. Such contracts may include within the discretion of such governing authorities of public agencies defined under Section 57-75-5(h)(ii)a pledge of the full faith and credit of such public agency or any other lawfully available funds for the performance thereof. If at any time title to or possession of the project or any such facility is held by any public body or governmental agency other than the authority, including any agency or instrumentality of the United States of America, the agreements referred to in this section shall inure to the benefit of and may be enforced by such public body or governmental agency.(3) Notwithstanding any provisions of this act to the contrary, any contract entered into between the authority and any public agency for the appropriation or payment of funds to the authority under item (a)(ii) or (a)(iv) of this section shall contain a provision therein requiring periodic payments by the public agency as required by the authority to pay its indebtedness and, if the public agency is not a county or municipality, such contract shall include as an additional party to the contract the county or municipality (referred to in this paragraph as "levying authority") that levies and collects taxes for the contracting public agency. If the public agency fails to pay its indebtedness for any month, the authority shall certify to the Department of Revenue, or other appropriate agency, the amount of the delinquency, and the Department of Revenue shall deduct such amount from the public agency's or levying authority's, as the case may be, next allocation of sales taxes, petroleum taxes, highway privilege taxes, severance taxes, Tennessee Valley Authority payments in lieu of taxes and homestead exemption reimbursements in that order of priority. The Department of Revenue, or other appropriate agency, shall pay the sums so deducted to the authority to be applied to the discharge of the contractual obligation.(4) Notwithstanding any provision of this act to the contrary, all loans made pursuant to Section 57-75-11(hh) and this section shall be for a term not to exceed twenty (20) years as may be determined by the authority, shall bear interest at such rates as may be determined by the authority, shall, in the sole discretion of the authority, be secured in an amount and a manner as may be determined by the authority.(5)(a) Before authorizing any loan to a public agency defined in Section 57-75-5(h)(ii), a local governmental unit, the governing authority of such local governmental unit in connection with a project defined in Section 57-75-5(f)(ii), shall adopt a resolution declaring its intention so to do, stating the amount of the loan proposed to be authorized and the purpose for which the loan is to be authorized, and the date upon which the loan will be authorized. Such resolution shall be published once a week for at least three (3) consecutive weeks in at least one (1) newspaper published in such local governmental unit. The first publication of such resolution shall be made not less than twenty-one (21) days before the date fixed in such resolution for the authorization of the loan and the last publication shall be made not more than seven (7) days before such date. If no newspaper is published in such local governmental unit, then such notice shall be given by publishing the resolution for the required time in some newspaper having a general circulation in such local governmental unit and, in addition, by posting a copy of such resolution for at least twenty-one (21) days next preceding the date fixed therein at three (3) public places in such local governmental unit. If fifteen percent (15%) of the qualified electors of the local governmental unit or fifteen hundred (1500), whichever is the lesser, file a written protest against the authorization of such loan on or before the date specified in such resolution, then an election on the question of the authorization of such loan shall be called and held as otherwise provided for in connection with the issuance of general obligation indebtedness of such local governmental unit. Notice of such election shall be given as otherwise required in connection with the issuance of general obligation indebtedness of such local governmental unit. If three-fifths (3/5) of the qualified electors voting in the election vote in favor of authorizing the loan, then the governing authority of the local governmental unit shall proceed with the loan; however, if less than three-fifths (3/5) of the qualified electors voting in the election vote in favor of authorizing the loan, then the loan shall not be incurred. If no protest be filed, then such loan may be entered into by the local governmental unit without an election on the question of the authorization of such loan, at any time within a period of two (2) years after the date specified in the resolution. However, the governing authority of any local governmental unit, in its discretion, may nevertheless call an election on such question, in which event it shall not be necessary to publish the resolution declaring its intention to authorize such loan as provided in this subsection.(b) Local governmental units may, in connection with any such loan, enter into any covenants and agreements with respect to such local governmental unit's operations, revenues, assets, monies, funds or property, or such loan, as may be prescribed by the authority.(c) Upon the making of any such loan by the authority to any local governmental unit, such local governmental unit shall be held and be deemed to have agreed that if such governmental unit fails to pay the principal of, premium, if any, and interest on any such loan as when due and payable, such governmental unit shall have waived any and all defenses to such nonpayment, and the authority, upon such nonpayment, shall thereupon avail itself of all remedies, rights and provisions of law applicable in such circumstance, including without limitation any remedies or rights theretofore agreed to by the local governmental unit, and that such loan shall for all of the purposes of this section, be held and be deemed to have become due and payable and to be unpaid. The authority may carry out the provisions of this section and exercise all of the rights and other applicable laws of this state.(d) This section shall be deemed to provide an additional, alternative and complete method for the doing of the things authorized by this section and shall be deemed and construed to be supplemental to any power conferred by other laws on public agencies and not in derogation of any such powers. Any obligation incurred pursuant to the provisions of this section shall not constitute an indebtedness of the public agency within the meaning of any constitutional or statutory limitation or restriction. For purposes of this act, a public agency shall not be required to comply with the provisions of any other law except as provided in this section.(6) Any public agency providing any utility service or services, to any project defined in Section 57-75-5(f)(iv)1may enter into leases or subleases for any period of time not to exceed thirty (30) years, in the capacity as lessor or lessee or sublessor or sublessee of lands alone, or lands and facilities located thereon, whether the facilities are owned by the owner of the land, a lessee, sublessee or a third party, and whether the public agency is a lessor, lessee or owner of the land. Any such public agency may also enter into operating agreements and/or lease-purchase agreements with respect to land or utility facilities as owner, operator, lessor or lessee for any period of time not to exceed thirty (30) years. Any such public agency may also enter into contracts for the provision of utilities for any period of time not to exceed thirty (30) years and may set a special rate structure for such utilities.(7)(a) No well shall be permitted by any public agency responsible for the conservation of oil and gas in the State of Mississippi to be drilled on or under a tract of land which is a part of a project owned or operated by an enterprise as defined in Section 57-75-5(f)(xxix), Section 57-75-5(f)(xxxi), Section 57-75-5(f)(xxxii)or Section 57-75-5(f)(xxxiii) and which enterprise is a nonconsenting owner as defined in Section 53-3-7(1), which owns both the surface estate of said tract of land and also owns one hundred percent (100%) of the drilling rights in said tract of land.(b) No mining activities on or under land which is part of a project as defined in Section 57-75-5(f)(xxix), Section 57-75-5(f)(xxxi), Section 57-75-5(f)(xxxii)or Section 57-75-5(f)(xxxiii) shall be permitted by any public agency responsible for mining in the state without the consent of the enterprise owning or operating such project.Laws, 1989, ch. 534, § 9; Laws, 2000, 3rd Ex Sess, ch. 1, § 10; Laws, 2004 3rd Ex Sess, ch. 1, § 94, eff. 11/24/2004.Amended by Laws, 2024EX2, ch. 3, SB 2001,§ 5, eff. 1/30/2024.Amended by Laws, 2024EX1, ch. 1, HB 1,§ 5, eff. 1/22/2024.Amended by Laws, 2022EX1, ch. 1, HB 1,§ 5, eff. 11/17/2022.Amended by Laws, 2016EX1, ch. 1, HB 1,§ 5, eff. 2/8/2016.