If the State Highway Commission, after such investigations and studies, shall find that the proposed parkway development is advantageous to the state, it shall have full authority to perform, on behalf of the state, each and every duty required of the state by the act of the United States Congress applicable to such parkway development, in order to secure the proposed development project for the state. For the purposes of such development project, the parkway shall be a portion of the state highway system. Any moneys that may be available for the improvement of the state highway system within any county may be available for any proposed national parkway development within such county, in the same manner as such moneys shall be available for state highways. The board of supervisors of any county may authorize the use of any moneys available to the county under any statutes, for the purposes of the proposed parkway development to the same amount as for state highways under such statutes. The board of supervisors may provide money for any national parkway development project in the same manner and in the same amount as for state highways, and any county bonds issued to provide funds for any such parkway development shall be retired in the same manner as bonds issued for state highways.
Miss. Code § 55-5-27