- Section 43-39-1 - Title
- Section 43-39-3 - Declaration of purpose
- Section 43-39-5 - Definitions
- Section 43-39-7 - Relocation payments; moving expense and dislocation allowances; fixed payments
- Section 43-39-9 - Additional payments; elements thereof; eligibility therefor
- Section 43-39-11 - Additional payments to person not eligible under section 43-39-9
- Section 43-39-12 - Illegal aliens ineligible to receive relocation assistance; exception for extremely unusual hardship; adoption of rules and regulations
- Section 43-39-13 - Relocation assistance advisory programs
- Section 43-39-15 - Agency to assure availability of suitable dwellings for displaced persons
- Section 43-39-16 - Agency to provide replacement dwellings if none available; persons not required to move if replacement dwellings unavailable
- Section 43-39-17 - Duties and responsibilities of head of lead agency; rules and regulations
- Section 43-39-19 - Agencies may contract for service or work through federal or local organizations
- Section 43-39-21 - Availability of funds
- Section 43-39-23 - Relocation payments not to be considered as income or resources
- Section 43-39-25 - Appeal from determination as to eligibility
- Section 43-39-27 - Payments as additives to compensation otherwise provided by law
- Section 43-39-29 - Action of ejectment when project in danger of being delayed; authorization; notice requirements