Miss. Code § 41-51-25
The commissioner shall have power to suspend for any fixed period, or to revoke, the license held by any licensee under this chapter in the event that such licensee shall violate and fail or refuse to obey any of the provisions of this chapter, or of the rules and regulations promulgated by the commissioner, or in the event the state board of health shall certify in writing to the commissioner that any particular disposal plant or rendering plant is a menace to the public health, stating the charges specifically and definitely, in which case the hearing hereinafter provided for shall be held within thirty (30) days after such charges of said board are so filed.
Before any license shall be suspended or revoked, the licensee shall be furnished with a written copy of the charges made against him and a hearing shall be had before the commissioner, or his authorized representative, at such time and place as he may fix, upon at least ten (10) days' notice in writing to the licensee, to determine whether such license shall be suspended or revoked. Such notice may be served either by registered mail, with return receipt, addressed to such licensee at the address shown in his application, or in the manner provided by law for the service of a summons. At the time and place fixed for the hearing, the licensee may appear in person and by counsel and such charges shall be deemed denied, without any answer thereto. The licensee may, however, file an answer if he so desires. Any other person whose interest would be adversely affected either by the suspension or revocation of such license or by its continuing in effect may intervene and offer evidence at such hearings. The hearing shall be conducted in a summary manner, under such procedure as the rules and regulations may prescribe, and the commissioner, or his representative, shall receive and hear all the evidence and arguments offered by both parties and shall afford the licensee full opportunity to present all defenses available to him. When a hearing under this section is conducted before a representative of the commissioner, a written report and summary of the evidence at such hearing shall be made by him to the commissioner, with recommendation for action thereon. The commissioner, after such hearing before him, or after considering such report and summary of the evidence by his representative, shall render such decision and make such order as he may deem just, either dismissing the proceedings, or suspending the license for any fixed period, or revoking the license. Such order shall be entered on his records and written notice thereof shall be forthwith mailed by registered mail, with return receipt, to or served personally upon such licensee.
Miss. Code § 41-51-25