- Section 41-27-1 - County mosquito control commission authorized
- Section 41-27-3 - Director of State Board of Health to be member
- Section 41-27-5 - Duties of State Board of Health
- Section 41-27-7 - Outside aid may be accepted
- Section 41-27-9 - Powers of commission
- Section 41-27-11 - Plans and estimates of cost to be filed annually
- Section 41-27-13 - Source of funds
- Section 41-27-15 - How funds are to be expended
- Section 41-27-17 - Annual report to be filed
- Section 41-27-19 - Two counties may act jointly
- Section 41-27-21 - Fiscal management where two or more counties act jointly
- Section 41-27-23 - Boards of supervisors to indicate amount of funds to be applied to control work; notice to other counties; withdrawal by dissatisfied county
- Section 41-27-25 - Approval and allowance for payment of expenses and claims; forwarding of copies of minute entries of approved claims
- Section 41-27-27 - Submission of list of claims to boards of supervisors; issuance of county warrants
- Section 41-27-29 - Duties of county mosquito control commissions and joint mosquito control commission
- Section 41-27-31 - Elimination of county in default from membership of joint mosquito control commission
- Section 41-27-33 - Existing laws not affected