Miss. Code § 37-45-31
The commission, or the chairman thereof, at any regular or recessed meeting, or the chairman in vacation, or the executive secretary in vacation pursuant to the direction of the chairman made at any time, is hereby empowered to issue under the seal of the commission and in its name, subpoenas for witnesses to require their attendance and the giving of testimony before the commission at any hearing or proceeding conducted by the commission and to require the production of such books, papers and records in any proceeding before the commission as may be material upon questions before or brought by the commission. Such subpoenas for witnesses or subpoenas duces tecum shall be directed to the sheriff or other lawful officer of the county of the residence of the witness named in the subpoena and shall be served and returned by the sheriff or other officer authorized by law to serve and return process in this state as in the chancery courts of this state and shall be obeyed just as process in said chancery court. The time and place for the appearance of the witness and the production of any documents, as the case may be, shall be specified in such subpoena.
Miss. Code § 37-45-31