Miss. Code § 37-101-83

Current through the 2024 Regular Session
Section 37-101-83 - 2022 IHL Capital Improvements Fund created; use of monies
(i) A special fund, to be designated as the "2022 IHL Capital Improvements Fund," is created within the State Treasury. The fund shall be maintained by the State Treasurer as a separate and special fund, separate and apart from the General Fund of the state. Unexpended amounts remaining in the fund at the end of a fiscal year shall not lapse into the State General Fund, and any interest earned or investment earnings on amounts in the fund shall be deposited into such fund.
(ii) Monies deposited into the fund shall be disbursed, in the discretion of the Department of Finance and Administration, with the approval of the Board of Trustees of State Institutions of Higher Learning on those projects related to the universities under its management and control to pay the costs of capital improvements, renovation and/or repair of existing facilities, furnishings and/or equipping facilities for public facilities as hereinafter described:





Alcorn State University

$ 5,040,000.00

Preplanning for repair,

renovation, and

expansion of and upgrades

and improvements to the

David L. Whitney Complex

and Wellness Center; campus

safety and security project,

including open space

development, sprinkler

systems for dormitories,

security camera

installation, card access

systems, street lighting,

and emergency kiosks; and

repair, renovation and

upgrading of campus


$ 1,040,000.00

Repair and renovation of

and upgrades and

improvements to the Math

and Science Building.......

$ 4,000,000.00

Delta State University

$ 5,640,000.00

Repair, renovation and

replacement of and

upgrades and

improvements to HVAC systems

and related equipment and


$ 3,937,500.00

Repair and renovation

for ADA compliance

for the Bologna Performing

Arts Center.....

$ 1,702,500.00

Jackson State University

$ 12,000,000.00

Construction, furnishing

and equipping of a new

dining facility and

related facilities.....

$ 12,000,000.00

Mississippi State University

$ 14,680,000.00

Repair, renovation, construction,

acquisition of property, furnishing

and equipping of related

facilities to house the

College of Architecture,

Art and Design.....

$ 14,680,000.00

Mississippi State University/Division of

Agriculture, Forestry and Veterinary Medicine

$ 9,610,000.00

Repair and renovation

of and upgrades and

improvements to

Dorman Hall and

related facilities.....

$ 9,610,000.00

Mississippi University for Women

$ 2,500,000.00

Repair, renovation,

and upgrading of

campus buildings

and facilities.....

$ 2,500,000.00

Mississippi Valley State University

$ 10,200,000.00

Repair, renovation,

expansion of

and improvements to

existing buildings and facilities on

the main campus.....

$ 10,200,000.00

University of Mississippi

$ 5,500,000.00

Construction, furnishing

and equipping of a new

mechanical and power

plant building and related


$ 4,500,000.00

Preplanning for


furnishing and

equipping of a

new building and

related facilities

to house the School

of Accountancy.....

$ 1,000,000.00

University of Mississippi Medical Center

$ 8,000,000.00

Repair, renovation,

and upgrading of

campus buildings

and facilities.....

$ 8,000,000.00

University of Southern Mississippi

$ 11,000,000.00

Construction, furnishing

and equipping of a new

science research facility...

$ 11,000,000.00

IHL Education and Research Center

$ 1,400,000.00

Repair and replacement of

chillers and related

equipment for the campus

air conditioning and

heating system.....

$ 1,400,000.00


$ 85,570,000.00

(i) Amounts deposited into such special fund shall be disbursed to pay the costs of projects described in paragraph (a) of this section. If any monies in such special fund are not used within four (4) years after the date funds are transferred under Section 1 of Chapter 510, Laws of 2022 from the Capital Expense Fund created in Section 27-103-303, Mississippi Code of 1972, into the special fund, then the institution of higher learning for which any unused monies are allocated under paragraph (a) of this section shall provide an accounting of such unused monies to the Department of Finance and Administration.
(ii) Monies in the special fund may be used to reimburse reasonable actual and necessary costs incurred by the Department of Finance and Administration, acting through the Bureau of Building, Grounds and Real Property Management, in administering or providing assistance directly related to a project described in paragraph (a) of this section. An accounting of actual costs incurred for which reimbursement is sought shall be maintained for each project by the Department of Finance and Administration, Bureau of Building, Grounds and Real Property Management. Reimbursement of reasonable actual and necessary costs for a project shall not exceed two percent (2%) of the monies in the special fund used for such project. Monies authorized for a particular project may not be used to reimburse administrative costs for unrelated projects.
(c) The Department of Finance and Administration, acting through the Bureau of Building, Grounds and Real Property Management, is expressly authorized and empowered to receive and expend any local or other source funds in connection with the expenditure of funds provided for in this section. The expenditure of monies deposited into the special fund shall be under the direction of the Department of Finance and Administration, and such funds shall be paid by the State Treasurer upon warrants issued by such department, which warrants shall be issued upon requisitions signed by the Executive Director of the Department of Finance and Administration, or his designee.
(d) Any amounts allocated to an institution of higher learning that are in excess of that needed to complete the projects at such institution of higher learning that are described in paragraph (a) of this section may be used for general repairs and renovations at the institution of higher learning.

Miss. Code § 37-101-83

Amended by Laws, 2023, ch. 545, HB 1089,§ 2, eff. 4/21/2023.
Added by Laws, 2022, ch. 510, HB 1353,§ 20, eff. 7/1/2022.