Browse as ListSearch Within- Section 33-13-451 - Persons to be tried or punished
- Section 33-13-453 - Principal
- Section 33-13-455 - Accessory after the fact
- Section 33-13-457 - Conviction of lesser included offense
- Section 33-13-459 - Attempts
- Section 33-13-461 - Conspiracy
- Section 33-13-463 - Solicitation
- Section 33-13-465 - Fraudulent enlistment, appointment, or separation
- Section 33-13-467 - Unlawful enlistment, appointment, or separation
- Section 33-13-469 - Desertion
- Section 33-13-471 - Absent without leave
- Section 33-13-473 - Missing movement
- Section 33-13-475 - Contempt towards Governor
- Section 33-13-477 - Disrespect toward superior commissioned officer
- Section 33-13-479 - Assaulting or willfully disobeying superior commissioned officer
- Section 33-13-481 - Insubordinate conduct toward warrant officer or noncommissioned officer
- Section 33-13-483 - Failure to obey order or regulation
- Section 33-13-485 - Cruelty and maltreatment
- Section 33-13-487 - Mutiny or sedition
- Section 33-13-489 - Resistance, breach of arrest, and escape
- Section 33-13-491 - Releasing prisoner without proper authority
- Section 33-13-493 - Unlawful detention of another
- Section 33-13-495 - Noncompliance with procedural rules
- Section 33-13-497 - Misbehavior before the enemy
- Section 33-13-499 - Subordinate compelling surrender
- Section 33-13-501 - Improper use of countersign
- Section 33-13-503 - Forcing a safeguard
- Section 33-13-505 - Captured or abandoned property
- Section 33-13-507 - Aiding the enemy
- Section 33-13-509 - Misconduct of a prisoner
- Section 33-13-511 - False official statements
- Section 33-13-513 - Military property loss, damage, destruction, wrongful disposition
- Section 33-13-515 - Property other than military property; waste, spoilage, or destruction
- Section 33-13-517 - Improper hazarding of vessel
- Section 33-13-519 - Under influence of liquor or drugs while on duty; sleeping on post; leaving post before relief
- Section 33-13-520 - Use, possession, distribution, etc. of controlled substance; controlled substance defined
- Section 33-13-521 - Malingering
- Section 33-13-523 - Riot or breach of peace
- Section 33-13-525 - Provoking speeches or gestures
- Section 33-13-527 - Conduct unbecoming an officer and a gentleman
- Section 33-13-529 - General article
- Section 33-13-531 through 33-13-539 - [Repealed]