Miss. Code § 27-15-241
The privilege taxes paid to the officer collecting same shall be paid into the state treasury by him on the same day in which said funds are collected by said officer, and shall be reported by him monthly, except as otherwise provided by law. Each such officer shall, within twenty (20) days after the end of each month, make to the state auditor of public accounts a detailed report of the licenses issued by him during the preceding month, showing the number and date of each license, and name the licensee, the business for which it was issued, and the amount collected for it, upon such forms as shall be provided by the state auditor of public accounts. At the same time each such officer shall furnish to the state tax commission a copy of the report herein required. The officer failing to make this report shall be reported by the state auditor of public accounts to the Governor as a defaulter, and a failure by the state auditor of public accounts to so report him to the Governor shall render the state auditor of public accounts liable on his bond on the sureties of the officers for all amounts they may be required to pay because of such default. The account of the state auditor of public accounts against the officer for licenses shall be so kept as to show by months what licenses charged to him are in his hands at any time. Upon the final settlement of the officer, either annual or at the expiration of his term of office, he shall be credited with all license blanks not issued which have been returned to the state auditor of public accounts, or delivered to his successor in office; and the officer shall be liable on his bond in the sum of One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) for each license blank not so returned or delivered to his successor in office.
Miss. Code § 27-15-241