Miss. Code § 27-15-237
The certificate of exemption provided for above is hereby declared to be a personal privilege, peculiar to the grantee and is not transferable, and no business may be conducted thereunder by any person other than the grantee.
The holder of any such certificate of exemption is hereby required to keep and display the same as in the case of the holder of a privilege license. Any person who shall engage in any business as an exempt person, without first complying with the requirements above set forth, shall be liable to prosecution and punishment as is provided for persons doing business without a license, and in addition thereto, shall be liable for any and all privilege taxes and damages provided for in the case of non-exempt persons failing to obtain privilege licenses; and any person who shall make a false representation, or affidavit, in order to secure such exemption shall be punishable as in the case of perjury.
Miss. Code § 27-15-237