Miss. Code § 25-7-3
The Clerk of the Supreme Court shall charge the following fees:
On-site retrieval .................... 10.00
Off-site retrieval .................... 15.00
Said general docket fee shall be collected from the appellant by the clerk of the lower court and forwarded to the Clerk of the Supreme Court. The Clerk of the Supreme Court shall charge the maximum amount allowable by law for services rendered where charges for such services are provided by statute; for any other services rendered, the amount charged shall be consistent with the cost of providing such services. All fees shall be paid in the form of cash, cashier's check, or money order or by a check on the account of an attorney payable to the Clerk of the Supreme Court. All fees authorized to be assessed and collected by the Clerk of the Supreme Court shall be deposited into the State General Fund, except that One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) of the general docket fee set under paragraph (a), Twenty-five Dollars ($25.00) of the miscellaneous docket fee set under paragraph (b), One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) of the confidential miscellaneous fee set under paragraph (c), Fifteen Dollars ($15.00) of the act of Congress certificate set under paragraph (e), Ten Dollars ($10.00) of the certificate of admission replacement set under paragraph (f), Two Dollars and Fifty Cents ($2.50) of the attest stamp set under paragraph (h), Five Dollars ($5.00) of the order from minute book set under paragraph (i), Seven Dollars ($7.00) of the copy of mandate set under paragraph (l), Fifty Dollars ($50.00) of the forfeited deposits on completed Supreme Court records set under paragraph (q), Twenty-five Dollars ($25.00) of the petition for rehearing fee under paragraph (r), and the total amount charged for any other services rendered shall be deposited to the credit of the Judicial System Operation Fund established in Section 9-21-45.
Miss. Code § 25-7-3