Miss. Code § 21-5-9
Except as limited by law, the council shall have, exercise, and perform all executive, legislative and judicial powers, duties and obligations bestowed upon governing authorities of municipalities by this title or by any other general law with regard to municipalities, except in cases of conflict between such laws and this chapter, in which case this chapter shall control. The council shall also have the power, from time to time, to create, fill or discontinue any and all offices and employments other than those created in this chapter; to increase or decrease the emoluments thereof; to make all needful rules and regulations for the government of the officers and employees of such city and to enforce a strict observance thereof, and to change the same when deemed necessary; to remove any officer or employee elected or appointed by the council, except as limited by law, and to elect or appoint a successor; to issue and sell the bonds or other obligations of such city in the amounts and in the manner provided by law; and generally to enact and enforce all ordinances and resolutions, and to make and perform all contracts for and on behalf of such city, as may be authorized by law or by the charter of such city.
The council shall also require all officers and employees handling or having the custody of any of the public funds of such city to give bond, with sufficient surety, to be payable, conditioned and approved as provided by law, in an amount to be determined by the council (which shall not be less than Ten Thousand Dollars ($10,000.00)), the premiums on which bonds shall be paid by the city.
Miss. Code § 21-5-9