Section 21-37-3 - Streets, sidewalks, sewers and parks(1) Except as otherwise provided in subsection (2) of this section, the governing authorities of municipalities shall have the power to exercise full jurisdiction in the matter of streets, sidewalks, sewers, and parks; to open and lay out and construct the same; and to repair, maintain, pave, sprinkle, adorn, and light the same.(2) Section 63-3-208 shall govern the use of electric personal assistive mobility devices (as defined in Section 63-3-103) on streets and sidewalks. Section 63-3-1315 shall govern the use of electric bicycles, as defined in Section 63-3-103, on streets, sidewalks and bicycle or multi-use paths. Section 63-3-1331 shall govern the use of personal delivery devices, as defined in Section 63-3-103, on sidewalks and other pedestrian areas.