Miss. Code § 19-9-3
The board of supervisors of any county is authorized to issue negotiable bonds of any road district or supervisors district within any such county to raise money for the purpose of constructing, reconstructing, and repairing roads, highways and bridges, and acquiring the necessary land, including land for building materials, and rights-of-way therefor.
The board of supervisors of any county designated in paragraph (h) of Section 19-9-1 is authorized to issue negotiable bonds of any supervisors district or districts in such county to raise money for the purposes described in paragraph (h) of Section 19-9-1.
All bonds issued pursuant to this section shall be issued in like manner and be subject to the same limitations and provisions as are set forth in Sections 19-9-1 through 19-9-31 with reference to the issuance of county bonds.
Miss. Code § 19-9-3