Miss. Code § 19-1-25
Clay County is bounded by beginning at a point where the section line running east from the northeast corner of section twenty-four, township sixteen, range seven, east intersects the Tombigbee River; thence running due west to the northwest corner of section nineteen, township sixteen, range six, east; thence due north to the northeast corner of township fifteen, range five, east; thence west to the northwest corner of township fifteen, range four, east; thence south to the southwest corner of section nineteen in said township and range (township fifteen, range four, east), thence west to the northwest corner of section thirty, township fifteen, range three, east, and running south along the line between ranges two and three, east, to the intersection of said range line with the old Chicasaw boundary line; thence north, 77.03 east, on said line to the northwest corner of fractional section thirty-five, township twenty-one, range twelve, east; thence south on the sectional line to the southwest corner of section twenty-six, township twenty, range twelve, east; thence to the northeast corner of Oktibbeha County; thence south along the boundary of Oktibbeha County to the southwest corner of section eighteen, township nineteen, range sixteen, east; thence east to the southwest corner of section fourteen, township nineteen, range sixteen, east, to Catalpa creek; thence down the meanderings of said creek to its junction with Tibbie creek; thence down the meanderings of Tibbie creek to its junction with the Tombigbee River at the southeast corner of section thirty-five, township seventeen, range seven, east; thence following the meanderings of said river to the beginning. The county site is West Point.
Miss. Code § 19-1-25