- Section 17-25-1 - County boards of supervisors and municipal governing authorities authorized to allow payment of taxes, fees and other accounts receivable and payment for retail merchandise sold by county or municipality by credit card, charge card, debit card, etc
- Section 17-25-3 - Lease or conveyance of property to nonprofit primary health care clinic
- Section 17-25-5 - Municipalities and counties to grant examination reciprocity to contractors licensed by another municipality or county; conditions for granting reciprocity
- Section 17-25-7 - Prohibition against ordinance restricting woman's right to breast-feed absent state authorization
- Section 17-25-9 - Mother may breast-feed her child in any location she is otherwise authorized to be
- Section 17-25-11 - County boards of supervisors, municipal governing authorities and the Department of Public Safety authorized to allow off-duty law enforcement officers to use public uniforms, weapons, and official vehicles in performance of certain private security duties
- Section 17-25-13 - Procedure to assist in collection of delinquent water sewer service bills by counties, municipalities and water sewer associations
- Section 17-25-15 - Prohibition against enactment of certain new ordinances affecting existing qualified sport-shooting ranges; criteria for qualifying for ordinance exemptions
- Section 17-25-17 - Reimbursement of steel rebar micro-mills for costs incurred for site preparation, real estate improvements, railroads, roads, utilities and infrastructure related to project
- Section 17-25-19 - Prohibition against ordinance authorizing use of automated recording equipment to enforce compliance with or impose penalties for violation of traffic laws
- Section 17-25-21 - Authorization to enter into collection agreements to collect cash appearance bonds from certain defendants
- Section 17-25-23 - Authorization to enter into agreements with approved business enterprises under certain circumstances; authorization to enter into fee-in-lieu agreements
- Section 17-25-25 - Uniform requirements for disposal of personal property belonging to county or municipality
- Section 17-25-27 - Authorization to enter into certain agreements with economic development projects
- Section 17-25-29 - Rights of members of member-owned water association or system to attend meetings; notice
- Section 17-25-31 - Sale of badge and helmet to retiring firefighter or spouse of firefighter killed in line of duty authorized
- Section 17-25-33 - Prohibition against law, rule, ordinance, etc. interfering with employer's ability to be informed about employee or potential employee background
- Section 17-25-34 - All Fuels Act of 2021; prohibition against law, rule, ordinance, etc. prohibiting expansion, utilization, connection or reconnection of service based on type or source of energy to individual customer
- Section 17-25-35 - Continued payment of compensation and related benefits of county or municipality employees who protect public interest and are injured in the line of duty
- Section 17-25-37 - Violator of local government final order, resolution or ordinance to pay court costs and attorney fees associated with civil action to enforce the final order, resolution or ordinance if local government prevails
- Section 17-25-39 - Provision of mental health first aid training to county and municipal law enforcement officers; employment of at least one crisis intervention team officer by each county and municipal law enforcement agency
- Section 17-25-41 - Contracts for exclusive provision of ambulance services between providers and counties or municipalities must contain a provision requiring contracting providers to have mutual aid agreements with other providers of ambulance services