Minn. Stat. § 558.05
If the title of the plaintiff to a certain undivided share of the property is proved or admitted, it shall not be a defense that there is a dispute or litigation undetermined between some of the defendants as to the right or title of such defendants in or to any undivided shares of the property claimed by them; but in such case the court shall render judgment that partition be made, or that the property be sold as in other cases, and shall cause the portion of the property or of the proceeds thereof pertaining to such undivided shares in dispute to be allotted to the defendants claiming the same, without determining their respective rights thereto, and, in case of sale, may order the portion of the proceeds pertaining to such shares to be paid into court to abide the result of any existing or subsequent litigation between such defendants.
Minn. Stat. § 558.05
(9528) RL s 4396