Section 634.06 - RESIDENTS REQUIRED TO TESTIFY IN ANOTHER STATE(a) Upon presentation of a certificate from a judge of a court of record in any state that may require persons within that state to attend and testify in criminal actions or grand jury investigations in this state stating that (1) there is a criminal action pending in the court or a grand jury investigation has commenced or is about to be commenced; (2) a person within this state is a material witness in the action or grand jury investigation; and (3) the person's presence will be required for a specified number of days at the trial or grand jury investigation; a judge of the district court of the county where the person resides, or where the person is found if not a resident of this state, shall set a time and place for a hearing and notify the person of the time and place.(b) If at the hearing the judge determines that (1) the person is a material and necessary witness; (2) it will not cause undue hardship to the person to be compelled to attend and testify in the other state; and (3) the laws of the state where the person will testify and of any other state that the person may be required to pass through by ordinary course of travel will provide protection from arrest and the service of civil and criminal process; the judge shall make an order, with a copy of the certificate attached, directing the person to attend and testify at the time and place specified in the certificate.(c) If the person, after being paid by an authorized person reasonable travel and lodging expenses and $25 for each day the person is required to travel and attend as a witness, fails without good cause to attend and testify as directed by the order, the person is guilty of constructive contempt of court.(9819-1) 1935 c 140 s 1; 1953 c 34 s 1; 1955 c 812 s 1; 1985 c 151 s 1