Minn. Stat. § 375A.06
In any county which is not operating under either the elected county executive plan, the county manager plan, or the auditor-administrator plan, the office of county administrator may be established. The county board may appoint and employ the administrator upon such terms and conditions as it deems advisable and is authorized to appropriate funds and provide suitable office space for the office. The administrator shall be chosen solely on the basis of training, experience, and administrative qualifications and need not be a resident of the county at the time of appointment. The administrator shall be appointed for an indefinite period and may be removed by the county board at any time, but after the administrator has served as administrator for one year the administrator may demand written charges and a public hearing on the charges before the county board prior to the date when final removal takes effect. Pending such hearing and removal, the county board may suspend the administrator from office. The county board may designate some properly qualified person to perform the duties of the administrator during absence or disability. The county board shall set a salary and may provide for a termination allowance.
The county board may appoint as county administrator any county officer or employee deemed to be qualified by reason of training, experience and administrative qualifications. If a county officer or employee is appointed county administrator, the officer or employee shall resign office and terminate its responsibilities before assuming the office of county administrator.
If the office of county administrator is abolished, any duties and responsibilities previously assigned to the county administrator shall be vested in the officer or department which had responsibility for the function previous to the transfer of the function to the county administrator.
The county administrator shall be the administrative head of the county and shall be responsible for the proper administration of the affairs of the county placed in the administrator's charge. The administrator shall exercise general supervision over all county institutions and agencies and, with the approval of the county board, coordinate the various activities of the county and unify the management of its affairs. If required by the county board, the administrator may act as the head of any department, the appointment of which is made by the county board, provided the administrator has the qualifications required by law. Responsibilities shall include, but are not limited to, the following duties:
Notwithstanding section 375A.12, a county board meeting the requirements of subdivision 1 may without referendum appoint a county administrator as provided in this section.
Minn. Stat. § 375A.06
1973 c 542 s 6; 1978 c 462 s 1; 1986 c 366 s 1; 1986 c 444