Section 722.4e - Rights and responsibilities of emancipated minor; obligation and liability of parents(1) A minor emancipated by operation of law or by court order has the rights and responsibilities of an adult, except for those specific constitutional and statutory age requirements regarding voting, use of alcoholic beverages, and other health and safety regulations relevant to him or her because of his or her age. A minor is considered emancipated for the purposes of, but not limited to, all of the following:(a) The right to enter into enforceable contracts, including apartment leases.(b) The right to sue or be sued in his or her own name.(c) The right to retain his or her own earnings.(d) The right to establish a separate domicile.(e) The right to act autonomously, and with the rights and responsibilities of an adult, in all business relationships, including, but not limited to, property transactions and obtaining accounts for utilities, except for those estate or property matters that the court determines may require a conservator or guardian ad litem.(f) The right to earn a living, subject only to the health and safety regulations designed to protect those under the age of majority regardless of their legal status.(g) The right to authorize his or her own preventive health care, medical care, dental care, and mental health care, without parental knowledge or liability.(h) The right to apply for a driver license or other state licenses for which he or she might be eligible.(i) The right to register for school.(j) The right to apply to the medical assistance program administered under the social welfare act, 1939 PA 280, MCL 400.1 to 400.119b, if needed.(k) The right to apply for other public assistance, administered under the social welfare act, 1939 PA 280, MCL 400.1 to 400.119b, if needed.(l) The right, if a parent, to make decisions and give authority in caring for his or her own minor child.(m) The right to make a will.(2) The parents of a minor emancipated by court order are jointly and severally obligated to support the minor. The parents of a minor emancipated by court order are not liable for any debts incurred by the minor during the period of emancipation.Amended by 2023, Act 73,s 2, eff. 7/12/2023.Add. 1988, Act 403, Eff. 3/30/1989.