Mich. Comp. Laws § 710.23g
In accordance with sections 14e and 14f of 1973 PA 116, MCL 722.124e and 722.124f, a child placing agency shall not be required to provide adoption services if those adoption services conflict with, or provide adoption services under circumstances that conflict with, the child placing agency's sincerely held religious beliefs contained in a written policy, statement of faith, or other document adhered to by the child placing agency. Also, in accordance with sections 14e and 14f of 1973 PA 116, MCL 722.124e and 722.124f, the state or a local unit of government shall not take an adverse action against a child placing agency on the basis that the child placing agency has declined or will decline to provide adoption services that conflict with, or provide adoption services under circumstances that conflict with, the child placing agency's sincerely held religious beliefs contained in a written policy, statement of faith, or other document adhered to by the child placing agency.
MCL 710.23g