That whenever the common council of any city or incorporated village, or the municipal authority of any town in this state shall, by resolution, declare that it is expedient to have constructed works for the purpose of supplying such city, village or town, and the inhabitants thereof with water, but that it is inexpedient for such city, town or village, under the power granted in its charter, to build such works, it shall be lawful for any number of persons, not less than 5, to organize a company for the construction of such water-works, or for any company previously organized to construct such water-works under the provisions of this act, and such corporation shall have all the powers and privileges prescribed in the act in regard to corporations, being Chapter 55, of Revised Statutes of 1846, and Chapter 73, of the Compiled Laws. They shall be capable of suing and being sued in any court of this state; may have a common seal, and alter and amend the same, at pleasure; may elect, in such a manner as they may determine, all necessary officers; may fix their compensation and determine their duties, and make, from time to time, such by-laws, not inconsistent with the constitution and laws of this state, as a majority of the stockholders shall choose.
MCL 486.301