- Section 38.1360 - Purchase of service credit; 2 years service credit required
- Section 38.1361 - Employment of retirant in reporting unit
- Section 38.1361a - Report to legislature on number of active employed retirees
- Section 38.1362 - Purchasing service credit; proof of service; contribution and interest
- Section 38.1363 - Noncontributory plan; applicability; duty of reporting unit
- Section 38.1364 - Purchase of service credit
- Section 38.1365 - Written application for payment of accumulated contributions; forfeiture of prior service
- Section 38.1366 - Cessation of membership; forfeiture of service; return to service; reinstatement of previously forfeited service
- Section 38.1367 - Credit for service in another retirement system; withdrawal of accumulated contributions; forfeiture of service or monthly allowance
- Section 38.1368 - Service credit; computing terms of service
- Section 38.1369 - Out of system public education service; condition for granting membership or prior service credit; requirements; eligibility for retirement allowance; computation of payment; limitation; refund; noncreditable service; member ineligible to initiate service credit purchase
- Section 38.1369a, 38.1369b - [Repealed]
- Section 38.1369c - Employee in nonpublic elementary or secondary educational institution or nonpublic institution of higher education, employee in foreign country at school for United States personnel or dependents, full-time teacher with job corps, teacher in trust territory, or teacher on Indian reservation; purchase of service credit; request; documentation; payment of amount of actuarial cost; condition to service being credited; satisfaction of minimum service credit for retirement allowance; refund; effect of pension or annuity; member ineligible to initiate service credit purchase; definitions
- Section 38.1369d, 38.1369e - [Repealed]
- Section 38.1369f - Election to purchase not more than 5 years of service credit less years of service credit purchased under other provisions; request; payment of actuarial cost; prohibited uses of service credit; refund; member ineligible to initiate service credit purchase
- Section 38.1369g - Former employees of reporting unit as public school employees; conditions; remittances required for granting of service credit; definitions
- Section 38.1370 - State of Michigan service; condition for granting membership or prior service credit; requirements; petition for transfer of service credit, accumulated contributions, and interest; refund; member ineligible to initiate service credit purchase
- Section 38.1371 - Sabbatical leave; employee organization professional services leave or released time; member ineligible to initiate service credit purchase
- Section 38.1372 - [Repealed]
- Section 38.1373 - Resumption of employment following honorable discharge or release from active duty with armed forces; service credit; limitation; accumulation of contributions to reserve for employee contributions at regular interest
- Section 38.1374 - Service credit for member not meeting requirements of MCL 38.1373; election; computation of payment; restriction; condition
- Section 38.1374a, 38.1374b - [Repealed]
- Section 38.1375 - Separation from service or reduction of hours for purposes of parental leave; purchase of service credit; refund; application; member ineligible to initiate service credit purchase; "parental leave" defined
- Section 38.1376 - Partial purchase of service credit
- Section 38.1377, 38.1378 - [Repealed]
- Section 38.1379 - Actuarial cost; recomputation
- Section 38.1379a - Recomputation of payment for purchase of service; refund
- Section 38.1379b - "Initiate a service credit purchase" defined