Article 3
- Section 38.1341 - [Effective Until 4/2/2025] Determining annual level percentage of payroll contribution rates; factors; unfunded actuarial accrued liability contribution rate; computation and certification of sum due and payable; payment; certification of actual aggregate compensation; adjustment; evidence of correctness; audit; duties of reporting unit; submission of difference occurring in certain fiscal years; interest rate; reassignment of assets; rate of investment return; basis of asset valuation; use of salary increase assumption; deposit to health advance funding subaccount; allocations from employer contributions; experience investigation study; risk assumptions; report; pension and retiree health care payroll growth assumption rate; "university reporting unit" defined
- Section 38.1341 - [Effective 4/2/2025] Determining annual level percentage of payroll contribution rates; factors; unfunded actuarial accrued liability contribution rate; computation and certification of sum due and payable; payment; certification of actual aggregate compensation; adjustment; evidence of correctness; audit; duties of reporting unit; submission of difference occurring in certain fiscal years; interest rate; reassignment of assets; rate of investment return; basis of asset valuation; use of salary increase assumption; deposit to health advance funding subaccount; allocations from employer contributions; experience investigation study; risk assumptions; report; pension and retiree health care payroll growth assumption rate; "university reporting unit" defined
- Section 38.1341a - Separate contribution rate; unfunded accrued liability; "university reporting unit" defined
- Section 38.1341b - Employees as members on or after July 1, 2010 and before February 1, 2018; determination of separate contribution rate for members on or after February 1, 2018; contributions; individuals performing services for entity not participating in retirement system; conditions
- Section 38.1342 - Reporting unit contribution; exclusive obligation; contributions picked up by employer; deduction of Social Security contributions; agreement of member; forwarding retirement contributions; report; failure to submit report or contributions; late fee; intentional error or omission; withholding payment of state funds for noncompliance; exception for community or junior college student employee; "intentional" defined
- Section 38.1342a - Community or junior college reporting units; report; office of retirement services; report requirements
- Section 38.1343h - Service credit; enrollment for certain employees of community or junior college reporting unit; requirements; forfeit of claim; assessment and payment of supplemental employer contributions
- Section 38.1343i - Determination and assessment of supplemental employer contributions by community or junior college reporting units; payment
- Section 38.1343 - Percentage paid for participants in optional retirement program
- Section 38.1343a - Contributions of member to member investment plan; deduction and remittance as employer contributions; benefits; amount of contribution; amounts; percentage; member on or before February 1, 2018
- Section 38.1343b - Eligibility requirements; exceptions
- Section 38.1343c - Entitlements
- Section 38.1343d - [Repealed]
- Section 38.1343e - [Effective Until 4/2/2025] Member before September 4, 2012; contribution of percentage to funding account under public employee retirement health care funding act; "funding account" defined
- Section 38.1343e - [Effective 4/2/2025] Member before September 4, 2012; contribution of percentage to funding account under public employee retirement health care funding act; "funding account" defined
- Section 38.1343g - Contribution beginning on transition date; amount; method of deducting contributions; picking up member contributions for compensation on or after transition date; benefit
- Section 38.1344 - Separation from service; death; unclaimed retirement allowance or other money
- Section 38.1345 - Change or error in records; correction; adjustment in benefits
- Section 38.1346 - Benefits; exemption from taxation; subject to taxation beginning January 1, 2012; offset of retirement benefits or refunds; forfeiture of service credit
- Section 38.1347 - Employee of Michigan high school athletic association; entitlement to benefits preserved; limited membership; continued service; eligibility for retirement benefits; election; termination of employment; computation of retirement allowance
- Section 38.1359 - Calculation of retirement allowance; election and attainment date designation; credit for future service accrued and compensation earned; alternative election; method of accepting elections, designations, and alternative elections; member not making or rescinding election or who makes alternative election; reemployed member; definitions