- Section 36.101 - Short title
- Section 36.102 - Definitions
- Section 36.103 - Michigan veterans' facility authority; creation; promulgation of rules; exercise of powers and duties; powers as essential governmental function; separate legal entity; operation and staffing
- Section 36.104 - [Repealed]
- Section 36.105 - Board of directors; duties; membership; terms; designated representative; compensation; expenses; chairperson; director of department as nonvoting member; appointment of veteran; quorum; actions by majority vote; appointment of executive director; employment and contract for legal, financial, and technical experts and certain other employees; board and authority subject to MCL 15.321 to 15.330 and MCL 15.301 to 15.310; discharge of duties; manner; business conducted at public meeting; availability of nonprivileged information
- Section 36.106 - Authority; powers; employees; factors when determining operation and staffing of veterans' facility; duties
- Section 36.106a - Eligibility for admission to veterans' facility; per diem rates; deposit into veterans' facility operation fund; deduction upon death of veteran or dependent; remittance; dismissal for failure to remit payment; definitions
- Section 36.106b - Appeals board; creation; membership; duties
- Section 36.106c - Authority; fiduciary oversight; duties related to funds
- Section 36.107 - Determination of public and governmental purpose; exercise of powers as essential governmental function; tax exemption; restrictions on use of bond proceeds
- Section 36.108 - Issuance of bonds
- Section 36.109 - Investment in bonds
- Section 36.110 - Dissolution of authority; conditions; disposition of property, funds, and assets
- Section 36.111 - Construction of act
- Section 36.112 - Report; supplemental report; audits
- Section 36.112a - Quarterly reports