This parcel being more particularly described as beginning at the northwest corner of block 6, Claypool's Subdivision, City of Lansing, Ingham County, Michigan; thence easterly 260.17 feet on the north line of said block 6; thence southerly 330.37 feet parallel to the west line of said block 6 to a point on the E-W 1/4 line of section 17, T4N, R2W, Lansing Township, City of Lansing, Ingham County, Michigan and a point in the center of Michigan Avenue; thence southerly 203.00 feet parallel to the west line of block 1, of Bush, Butler and Sparrow's Addition, City of Lansing, Ingham County, Michigan; thence westerly 260.17 feet to said west line; thence northerly 203.00 feet on said west line extended to a point on the E-W 1/4 line of said section 17; thence northerly 330.00 feet on the west line of said block 6 of Claypool's Subdivision to the point of beginning.
MCL 35.1055a