Mich. Comp. Laws § 29.8
The state fire marshal, or the chief of an organized fire department, regular or voluntary, or a fire fighter in uniform acting under the orders and directions of the local fire chief; or the clerk of a city, village, township, or county not having an organized fire department, or the managing head of an organized fire district in this state, upon complaint of a person having an interest in a building or premises or property adjacent to a building or premises, or at the official's own instance without a complaint and without restraint or liability for trespass, may at an hour reasonable under the circumstances involved, enter into and upon a building or premises within the official's jurisdictions for the purpose of inspection and examination of the building or premises, together with their occupancies and contents, for the discovery of the existence of a fire hazard. When an official finds a building or premises, either public or private, which for want of repairs, lack of or insufficient fire escapes, automatic or other fire alarm apparatus or fire extinguishing equipment, or by reason of age or dilapidated condition, defective electrical wiring or electrical equipment, defective chimneys, defective gas connections, defective heating apparatus, accumulation of rubbish, waste materials, or flammable substances or decorations, or from any other condition, or for any other reason, may cause an otherwise preventable fire or explosion or endanger other property or premises or be dangerous to the public peace, security, or safety, the official may reduce to writing the official's findings on the inspection and examination and file the same with the department, with a report stating the ownership, location, and description of the building or buildings or premises inspected, and with other data and information as the state fire marshal prescribes in those cases, together with recommendations relative to the abatement of the fire hazard.
MCL 29.8