Mich. Comp. Laws § 29.23
The existence of a fire hazard, of any nature, origin, or cause, is a nuisance and the nuisance may be abated, removed, corrected, and its continuance enjoined in the manner provided by law for the abatement of nuisances. If the state fire marshal determines that a fire hazard is imminently dangerous or menacing to human life and the public safety requires its immediate abatement, removal, correction, or discontinuance, the state fire marshal may bring, or cause to be brought, in the circuit court of the county in which the fire hazard is located, an action to abate, remove, correct, or discontinue the fire hazard. Sections 3801 to 3840 of the revised judicature act of 1961, 1961 PA 236, MCL 600.3801 to 600.3840, apply to the action. The court, in addition to the powers conferred by that act, may make any order it determines is necessary or expedient to ensure the safety and security of human life, and may direct that a building described in the complaint be razed and removed and all rubbish and debris removed, or that the building be repaired and in what manner and to what extent. The court may order the removal of occupancies of a building and the discontinuance of any use of the building that constitute a fire hazard or menace to human life, and may order the clearing and improvement of premises described in the complaint. The court may issue an injunction restraining the defendant from continuing the existence of a fire hazard, may include specific directions to the defendant, and may retain jurisdiction to compel complete performance of the order, writ, or other determination of the court. The court may direct that the abatement of the fire hazard be done by the department under the court's instructions, and with provision for defraying the cost and expense of the abatement as the court determines equitable and authorized by this act. A continuance of a hearing under this act shall not be granted except upon a clear showing of unavoidable circumstances. Jurisdiction of the court under this act does not depend upon the amount of money, or value of property, involved.
MCL 29.23